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Asteroid types

- Posted in GameMaker by

Asteroid types

One of the plans from the beginning was that as the player grew, they'd see different types of objects, while thus far I've just used the one asteroid shape. Well today I've added two more. Still crude placeholders and the code working them is also basically a crude placeholder, but now that the crude way is up and running I can replace bits of it at a time.

I added in new sprites for circle and diamond asteroids, each with the same number of color variations as the original. When an asteroid is created it checks its mass. If it's over 10000, it's a diamond. Otherwise if it's over 100, it's a circle. Otherwise, it's the regular asteroid. Regardless of sprite, behavior remains the same. Also added in that pressing X creates a random asteroid at a random location on the screen, with possible mass ranging from 1/10 to 100x the current ship mass.

Here's a shot from early on, with a few large circles in play.

And later having built the ship up, things look like this. If you look closely at the ship, you can see now-small circle asteroids layered on it.
